Al-Uslūbiyyah fī Āyāti al-Ta‘ajjub fī al-Qur’ān al-Karīm
Uslūb al-Taʻajjub, Stylistics, Qur'anAbstract
This study discusses the verses of ta‘ajjubcontained in the Qur'an. Because the Qur'an is a holy book that has high literature, studying the Qur'an requires a linguistic approach, in this case stylistics. The Qur'an has a variety of styles of language in expressing meaning of amazement if the expression of the ta‘ajjub sentence is only based on sighah al-ta‘ajjub such as "mā af'ala" and "af'il bih", then the literary language of the Qur'an is not fully touched—the advantages of studying uslūb al-ta‘ajjub towards the holy book of the Qur'an. First, the Qur'an thus reflects God with all His creations having a position that has the right to be admired. Second, it is proof that the Qur'an has dynamic, not static, language literature. Third, proof that the Qur'an has various descriptions of delivery -in this case- which show the meaning of ta‘ajjub, and at the same time, the meaning of ta‘ajjub cannot be understood with the same meaning, but it is also important to pay attention to the context of the sentence.
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